Unless otherwise noted,
these images were textured and ray traced by Ben Trumbore.
The Cornell University Theory Center Building
was modeled from architects drawings by Keith Howie.
Samples of the glass, brick and siding were used
to estimate the building's appearance.
This image was rendered in 1989,
in time for the building's ground-breaking ceremonies.
This night-time simulation of the Theory Center Building,
also from 1989,
required the addition to the model of interior details.
Because there were many more light sources in the model,
the rendering time was about 20 times that of the daytime image.
This image was computed on a cluster of eight workstations.
The the two stair towers at the ends of the building
were ideal environments for the ray tracing algorithm.
This image was rendered in 1990,
before construction of the stair towers was completed.
An area light source was used to simulate the sun,
and oversampling techniques created the soft shadows on the floor.
The real stair tower has round handrails,
solid steps, and blue safety lights on the walls.
Other than these details,
this image looks remarkably like the real stair tower.
It appeared on the cover of the Cornell Alumni News in December, 1990.
Keith Howie modeled this Hewlett-Packard 800 series workstation in 1989.
This image appeared on the cover of
IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications in January, 1991.
A version of this image also appears in the back of
Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice,
by Foley, van Dam, Feiner and Hughes.
Chaim Zeitz modeled the interior of
a ninteenth centery railroad dining car in 1991.
Dr. Donald Greenberg acquired a ceramic model of a Russian samovar
while in the USSR in 1990.
He told his hosts that he would like to make the samovar
the official teapot of international computer graphics.
Suzanne Smits and Priamos Georgiades modeled the ceramic samovar,
and this image was completed in 1991.
Matt Hyatt and Stephen Holley modeled, textured and rendered
all three floors of Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater house.
They attempted to include as much detail as possible,
and this complex scene has served as a difficult test for
many of the rendering algorithms developed at
the Cornell Program of Computer Graphics.