Brian A. Barsky and Donald P. Greenberg.
Determining a set of B-spline control vertices to generate an
interpolating surface.
Comput. Gr. Image Process., 14:203--226, November 1980.
Elliot Feibush and Donald P. Greenberg.
Texture rendering system for architectural design.
Computer-Aided Design, 12:67--71, March 1980.
Elliot A. Feibush, Marc Levoy, and Robert L. Cook.
Synthetic texturing using digital filters.
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings), 14(3):294--301,
July 1980.
Donald P. Greenberg, John F. Abel, and William McGuire.
Interactive computer graphics in structural engineering.
Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the International
Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering, pages 631--636, September
John L. Gross and Thomas A. Mutryn.
Studies in nonlinear interactive analysis of framed structures.
May 1980.
Donald P. Greenberg.
An interdisciplinary laboratory for computer graphics and
computer-aided design.
Proceedings of CAD 80, Fourth International Conference and
Exhibition on Computers and Design Engineering, 12, March 1980.
Donald P. Greenberg.
A laboratory for computer graphics research and applications.
SID Digest, May 1980.
Lynn E. Johnson and Daniel P. Loucks.
Interactive multiobjective planning using computer graphics.
Computers and Operational Research, pages 89--97, 1980.
Gary W. Meyer and Donald P. Greenberg.
Perceptual color spaces for computer graphics.
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings), 14(3):254--261,
July 1980.
Wayne Robertz and Donald P. Greenberg.
A graphical input system for computer-aided architectural design.
In CAD 80, Fourth International Conference and Exhibition on
Computers in Design Engineering, volume 4, pages 715--723, Guildford, UK,
1980. IPC Business Press Ltd.
Marc Schiler and Donald P. Greenberg.
The calculation of translucent and opaque shadow effects on building
thermal loads.
Proceedings of CAD 80, Fourth International Conference and
Exhibition on Computers in Design Engineering, 12, March 1980.
Mark S. Shephard, Richard H. Gallagher, and John F. Abel.
The synthesis of near-optimum finite element meshes with interactive
computer graphics.
International Journal for Numerical Methods of Engineering,
15(7):1021--1039, July 1980.
Mark Shephard.
An algorithm for defining a single near-optimum mesh for
multiple-load-case problems.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering,
15(4):617--625, April 1980.
Kevin Weiler.
Polygon comparison using a graph representation.
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '80 Proceedings), 14(3):10--18,
July 1980.
Theses and Dissertations
Peter N. French.
Water Quality Modeling Using Interactive Computer Graphics.
PhD thesis, Cornell University, 1980.
John L. Gross.
.Design for the Presentation of Progressive Collapse Using
Interactive Computer Graphics.
PhD thesis, Cornell University, 1980.
Robert B. Haber.
Computer-Aided Design of Cable Reinforced Membrane Structures
PhD thesis, Cornell University, 1980.
Michael Kaplan.
Parallel processing techniques for hidden-surface removal.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1980.
Wayne E. Robertz.
A graphical input system for computer-aided architectural design.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1980.