Robert L. Cook and Kenneth E. Torrance.
A reflectance model for computer graphics.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 1(1):7--24, January 1982.
Elliot A. Feibush and Donald P. Greenberg.
A geometric input and editing system for architectural design.
In A. Pipes, editor, CAD 82, pages 164--172. 1982.
Donald Greenberg, Aaron Marcus, Allan H. Schmidt, and Vernon Goter.
The Computer Image: Applications of Computer Graphics.
Addison-Wesley, 1982.
Donald P. Greenberg.
Computer graphics in architecture.
(EHO 147-9):533, 1982.
Robert B. Haber and John F. Abel.
Initial equilibrium solution methods for cable reinforced membranes.
II. implementation.
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. and Eng., 30:285--306, June 1982.
William McGuire and C. I. Pesquera.
Interactive computer graphics in steel analysis/design-a progress
Engineering Journal, pages 89--102, March 1982.
Jon H. Pittman and Donald P. Greenberg.
An interactive graphics environment for architectural energy
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings), 16(3):233--241,
July 1982.
Stuart Sechrest and Donald P. Greenberg.
A visible polygon reconstruction algorithm.
ACM Trans. on Graphics (USA), 1:25--42, January 1982.
Kin L. Shelley and Donald P. Greenberg.
Path specification and path coherence.
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '82 Proceedings), 16(3):157--166,
July 1982.
Theses and Dissertations
Marcelo Gattas.
Large Displacement, Interactive-Adaptive Dynamic Analysis of
PhD thesis, Cornell University, 1982.
Jon H. Pittman.
An interactive graphics environment for architectural energy
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1982.
Kim L. Shelley.
Path specification and the use of path coherence in the rendering of
dynamic sequences.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1982.
Bruce A. Wallace.
Automated production techniques in cartoon animation.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1982.