Ted Crane and Jon H. Pittman.
An event driven approach to graphical menu interaction.
9(4), May 1983.
John C. Dill.
Computer graphics and computer-aided design at cornell's college of
April 1983.
Samir L. Hanna, John F. Abel, and Donald P. Greenberg.
Intersection of parametric surfaces by means of lookup tables.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 3(7):39--48, 1983.
Samir L. Hanna, John F. Abel, and Donald P. Greenberg.
Intersection of parametric surfaces using lookup tables.
In Computer-Aided Geometric Design, pages 37--49. April 1983.
Roy A. Hall and Donald P. Greenberg.
A testbed for realistic image synthesis.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 3:10--20, November
Gary W. Meyer.
Colorimetry and computer-graphics.
April 1983.
C. I. Pesquera and William M. McGuire.
Design of steel frames with interactive computer graphics.
pages 140--151, September 1983.
Carlos I. Pesquera, William McGuire, and John F. Abel.
Interactive graphical preprocessing of three-dimensional framed
Computers and Structures, 17:1--12, 1983.
Theses and Dissertations
Roy A. Hall.
A methodology for realistic image synthesis.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1983.
Harold Hedelman.
A data flow approach to composition with procedural models.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1983.
John D. Hollyday.
Refined modeling and interactive display of finite element stresses
for cable-reinforced membranes.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1983.
Gary W. Meyer.
Colorimetry and computer graphics.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1983.