David Baraff.
Analytical methods for dynamic simulation of non-penetrating rigid
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings), 23(3):223--232,
July 1989.
Donald P. Greenberg.
A blueprint for the future.
Computer Graphics World, 12(2):62--66, February 1989.
Donald P. Greenberg.
Light reflection models in computer graphics.
Science, 244:166--173, April 1989.
Roy Hall.
Illumination and Color in Computer Generated Imagery.
Springer-Verlag, New York, 1989.
Adam Stettner and Donald P. Greenberg.
Computer graphics visualization for acoustic simulation.
Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH '89 Proceedings), 23(3):195--206,
July 1989.
Theses and Dissertations
Shenchang Eric Chen.
A progressive radiosity method and its implementation in a
distributed processing environment.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1989.
Richard L. Eaton.
Explicit geometric constraints.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1989.
Stuart Feldman.
An abstraction paradigm for modeling complex environments.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1989.
Peter Kochevar.
Computer Graphics on Massively Parallel Machines.
PhD thesis, Cornell University, 1989.
Wayne Lytle.
A modular testbed for realistic image synthesis.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1989.
Adam C. Stettner.
Computer graphics for acoustic simulation and visualization.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1989.
Filippo Tampieri.
Global illumination algorithms for parallel computer architectures.
Master's thesis, Cornell University, 1989.