James Arvo and Kevin Novins.
Iso-Contour volume rendering.
In Arie Kaufman and Wolfgang Krueger, editors, 1994 Symposium on
Volume Visualization, pages 115--122. ACM SIGGRAPH, October 1994.
James Arvo.
The irradiance Jacobian for partially occluded polyhedral sources.
In Andrew Glassner, editor, SIGGRAPH 94 Conference Proceedings,
Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 343--350. ACM
SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, July 1994.
James Arvo, Kenneth Torrance, and Brian Smits.
A framework for the analysis of error in global illumination
In Andrew Glassner, editor, SIGGRAPH 94 Conference Proceedings,
Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 75--84. ACM
SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, July 1994.
James W. Durkin and John F. Hughes.
Nonpolygonal isosurface rendering for large volume data sets.
In R. Daniel Bergeron and Arie E. Kaufman, editors, Proceedings
of Visualization '94, pages 293--300. IEEE, October 1994.
Dani Lischinski, Brian Smits, and Donald P. Greenberg.
Bounds and error estimates for radiosity.
In Andrew Glassner, editor, SIGGRAPH 94 Conference Proceedings,
Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 67--74. ACM
SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, July 1994.
Stephen R. Marschner and Richard J. Lobb.
An evaluation of reconstruction filters for volume rendering.
In R. Daniel Bergeron and Arie E. Kaufman, editors, Proceedings
of Visualization '94, pages 100--107. IEEE, October 1994.
Brian Smits, James Arvo, and Donald Greenberg.
A clustering algorithm for radiosity in complex environments.
In Andrew Glassner, editor, SIGGRAPH 94 Conference Proceedings,
Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, pages 435--442. ACM
SIGGRAPH, ACM Press, July 1994.
Filippo Tampieri and Daniel Lischinski.
The constant radiosity assumption syndrome.
In Photorealistic Rendering in Computer Graphics (Proceedings of
the Second Eurographics Workshop on Rendering), pages 83--92, New York,
1994. Springer-Verlag.
Theses and Dissertations
Technical Reports